Confidence | Journal | Article Influence | Articles |
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report
The confidence score for MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report is based on these articles:
Similarity | | Citation |
Diallo K, Kim AA, Lecher S, Ellenberger D, Beard RS, Dale H, Hurlston M, Rivadeneira M, Fonjungo PN, Broyles LN, Zhang G, Sleeman K, Nguyen S, Jadczak S, Abiola N, Ewetola R, Muwonga J, Fwamba F, Mwangi C, Naluguza M, Kiyaga C, Ssewanyana I, Varough D, Wysler D, Lowrance D, Louis FJ, Desinor O, Buteau J, Kesner F, Rouzier V, Segaren N, Lewis T, Sarr A, Chipungu G, Gupta S, Singer D, Mwenda R, Kapoteza H, Chipeta Z, Knight N, Carmona S, MacLeod W, Sherman G, Pillay Y, Ndongmo CB, Mugisa B, Mwila A, McAuley J, Chipimo PJ, Kaonga W, Nsofwa D, Nsama D, Mwamba FZ, Moyo C, Phiri C, Borget MY, Ya-Kouadio L, Kouame A, Adje-Toure CA, Nkengasong J
Early Diagnosis of HIV Infection in Infants - One Caribbean and Six Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2011-2015.
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2016
Auld AF, Shiraishi RW, Oboho I, Ross C, Bateganya M, Pelletier V, Dee J, Francois K, Duval N, Antoine M, Delcher C, Desforges G, Griswold M, Domercant JW, Joseph N, Deyde V, Desir Y, Van Onacker JD, Robin E, Chun H, Zulu I, Pathmanathan I, Dokubo EK, Lloyd S, Pati R, Kaplan J, Raizes E, Spira T, Mitruka K, Couto A, Gudo ES, Mbofana F, Briggs M, Alfredo C, Xavier C, Vergara A, Hamunime N, Agolory S, Mutandi G, Shoopala NN, Sawadogo S, Baughman AL, Bashorun A, Dalhatu I, Swaminathan M, Onotu D, Odafe S, Abiri OO, Debem HH, Tomlinson H, Okello V, Preko P, Ao T, Ryan C, Bicego G, Ehrenkranz P, Kamiru H, Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H, Kwesigabo G, Ramadhani AA, Ng'wangu K, Swai P, Mfaume M, Gongo R, Carpenter D, Mastro TD, Hamilton C, Denison J, Wabwire-Mangen F, Koole O, Torpey K, Williams SG, Colebunders R, Kalamya JN, Namale A, Adler MR, Mugisa B, Gupta S, Tsui S, van Praag E, Nguyen DB, Lyss S, Le Y, Abdul-Quader AS, Do NT, Mulenga M, Hachizovu S, Mugurungi O, Barr BAT, Gonese E, Mutasa-Apollo T, Balachandra S, Behel S, Bingham T, Mackellar D, Lowrance D, Ellerbrock TV
Trends in Prevalence of Advanced HIV Disease at Antiretroviral Therapy Enrollment - 10 Countries, 2004-2015.
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2017
Dokubo EK, Baddeley A, Pathmanathan I, Coggin W, Firth J, Getahun H, Kaplan J, Date A
Provision of antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive TB patients--19 countries, sub-Saharan Africa, 2009-2013.
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2014
Fisher KA, Patel SV, Mehta N, Stewart A, Medley A, Dokubo EK, Shang JD, Wright J, Rodas J, Balachandra S, Kitenge F, Mpingulu M, García MC, Bonilla L, Quaye S, Melchior M, Banchongphanith K, Phokhasawad K, Nkanaunena K, Maida A, Couto A, Mizela J, Ibrahim J, Charles OO, Malamba SS, Musoni C, Bolo A, Bunga S, Lolekha R, Kiatchanon W, Bhatia R, Nguyen C, Aberle-Grasse J, PEPFAR Strategic Information Study Group
Lessons Learned from Programmatic Gains in HIV Service Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic - 41 PEPFAR-Supported Countries, 2020.
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2022
Kothegal N, Wang A, Jonnalagadda S, MacNeil A, Radin E, Brown K, Mugurungi O, Choto R, Balachandra S, Rogers JH, Musuka G, Kalua T, Odo M, Auld A, Gunde L, Kim E, Payne D, Lungu P, Mulenga L, Hassani AS, Nkumbula T, Patel H, Parekh B, Voetsch AC
Screening for HIV Among Patients at Tuberculosis Clinics - Results from Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment Surveys, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, 2015-2016.
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2021
Melgar M, Nichols C, Cavanaugh JS, Kirking HL, Surie D, Date A, Ahmedov S, Maloney S, Fukunaga R, CDC Country Offices’ Tuberculosis/HIV Advisors, National Ministries and Departments of Health Tuberculosis Program Managers
Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment Scale-Up Among Antiretroviral Therapy Patients - 16 Countries Supported by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 2017-2019.
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2020
PloS one
The confidence score for PloS one is based on these articles:
Similarity | | Citation |
Sandfort TGM, Dominguez K, Kayange N, Ogendo A, Panchia R, Chen YQ, Chege W, Cummings V, Guo X, Hamilton EL, Stirratt M, Eshleman SH
HIV testing and the HIV care continuum among sub-Saharan African men who have sex with men and transgender women screened for participation in HPTN 075.
PloS one. 2019
Girault P, Misa Wong C, Jittjang S, Fongkaew K, Cassell MM, Lertpiriyasuwat C, Vannakit R, Avery M, Linjongrat D, Sumalu S, Phromsombat S, Mainoy N, Patpeerapong P, Potasin P, Brutrat P, Mills S, Phanuphak N, Phanuphak P
Uptake of oral fluid-based HIV self-testing among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Thailand.
PloS one. 2021
Kripke K, Reed J, Hankins C, Smiley G, Laube C, Njeuhmeli E
Impact and Cost of Scaling Up Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in the Context of the New 90-90-90 HIV Treatment Targets.
PloS one. 2016
Hirsch-Moverman Y, Hsu A, Abrams EJ, Killam WP, Moore B, Howard AA
Guidelines for tuberculosis screening and preventive treatment among pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV in PEPFAR-supported countries.
PloS one. 2024
Harbertson J, Hale BR, Tran BR, Thomas AG, Grillo MP, Jacobs MB, McAnany J, Shaffer RA
Self-reported HIV-positive status but subsequent HIV-negative test result using rapid diagnostic testing algorithms among seven sub-Saharan African military populations.
PloS one. 2017
Mohammed P, Linden A, Reilly M
Quantifying pediatric patient need for second- and third-line HIV treatment: A tool for decision-making in resource-limited settings.
PloS one. 2019
Journal of the International AIDS Society
The confidence score for Journal of the International AIDS Society is based on these articles:
Similarity | | Citation |
Drake AL, Thomson KA, Quinn C, Newman Owiredu M, Nuwagira IB, Chitembo L, Essajee S, Baggaley R, Johnson CC
Retest and treat: a review of national HIV retesting guidelines to inform elimination of mother-to-child HIV transmission (EMTCT) efforts.
Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2019
Marukutira T, Stoové M, Lockman S, Mills LA, Gaolathe T, Lebelonyane R, Jarvis JN, Kelly SL, Wilson DP, Luchters S, Crowe SM, Hellard M
A tale of two countries: progress towards UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets in Botswana and Australia.
Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2018
Farley SM, Wang C, Bray RM, Low AJ, Delgado S, Hoos D, Kakishozi AN, Harris TG, Nyirenda R, Wadonda N, Li M, Amuri M, Juma J, Kancheya N, Pietersen I, Mutenda N, Natanael S, Aoko A, Ngugi EW, Asiimwe F, Lecher S, Ward J, Chikwanda P, Mugurungi O, Moyo B, Nkurunziza P, Aibo D, Kabala A, Biraro S, Ndagije F, Musuka G, Ndongmo C, Shang J, Dokubo EK, Dimite LE, McCullough-Sanden R, Bissek AC, Getaneh Y, Eshetu F, Nkumbula T, Tenthani L, Kayigamba FR, Kirungi W, Musinguzi J, Balachandra S, Kayirangwa E, Ayite A, West CA, Bodika S, Sleeman K, Patel HK, Brown K, Voetsch AC, El-Sadr WM, Justman JJ
Progress towards the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets among persons aged 50 and older living with HIV in 13 African countries.
Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2022
Johnson LF, Kariminia A, Trickey A, Yiannoutsos CT, Ekouevi DK, Minga AK, Pascom ARP, Han WM, Zhang L, Althoff KN, Rebeiro PF, Murenzi G, Ross J, Hsiao NY, Marsh K
Achieving consistency in measures of HIV-1 viral suppression across countries: derivation of an adjustment based on international antiretroviral treatment cohort data.
Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2021
Current HIV/AIDS reports
The confidence score for Current HIV/AIDS reports is based on these articles:
Similarity | | Citation |
Williams BG, Gouws E, Somse P, Mmelesi M, Lwamba C, Chikoko T, Fazito E, Turay M, Kiwango E, Chikukwa P, Damisoni H, Gboun M
Epidemiological Trends for HIV in Southern Africa: Implications for Reaching the Elimination Targets.
Current HIV/AIDS reports. 2015
Gupta S, Williams B, Montaner J
Realizing the potential of treatment as prevention: global ART policy and treatment coverage.
Current HIV/AIDS reports. 2014
Oral diseases
International journal of STD & AIDS
The confidence score for International journal of STD & AIDS is based on these articles:
Similarity | | Citation |
Nyatsanza F, Gubbin J, Gubbin T, Seery P, Farrugia P, Croucher A, Gilleece Y, Rosenvinge M, Roedling S, Sarner L, Nayagam D, Stradling C, Namiba A, Fearnley N, Lyall H
Over a third of childbearing women with HIV would like to breastfeed: A UK survey of women living with HIV.
International journal of STD & AIDS. 2021
Granich R, Gupta S
Two diseases, same person: moving toward a combined HIV and tuberculosis continuum of care.
International journal of STD & AIDS. 2018
African journal of AIDS research : AJAR
AIDS research and therapy
AIDS research and human retroviruses
Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift (1946)
Current HIV research
Int J Infect Dis
AIDS care
Scientific reports
Seminars in diagnostic pathology
Ugeskrift for laeger
The International journal on drug policy
Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
Journal of the American Heart Association
International journal of environmental research and public health
Southern African journal of HIV medicine
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics
Therapeutic advances in infectious disease
Nature medicine
Systematic reviews
Journal of virology
Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol
Exp Clin Transplant
Journal of public health policy